Russian Lighting Research Institute named after S.I. Vavilov


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VNISI is the leading Russian center of lighting researches, that specialized on high technology in the field of theory, methods, techniques and standardization of lighting, measuring and testing of lighting installation, lighting products and light sources, expert and consultancy activities in the field of lighting.

At present, the main areas of activity are VNISI:

We should also highlight the activities in the field of lighting tests and measurements, which provides Testing Center VNISI. VNISI maintains a high scientific and technical potential, as part of the state 2 academicians of Electrical Sciences of Russia, 3 doctors and 16 candidates of sciences and professional staff of highly trained professionals.

The Institute works with the graduate school 10 person limit in "Lighting". Currently enrolled in graduate VNISI 3 post-graduate students.

"Rosstandart" for VNISI fixed Standardization Technical Committee 332 "Lighting products".