Russian Lighting Research Institute named after S.I. Vavilov


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The structure of VNISI

Anna Shakhparunyants

General Director
Vice-president of CIE


Tel.: (495) 788-32-96

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Pyatigorskiy Vladimir

Chief Designer


Tel.: (495) 788-32-96

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Sachkov Maxim

Finance Director

Tel.: (495) 686-49-61

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Anatoly Chernyak

Head of laboratory

Tel.: (495) 686-34-94

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Mikhail Fedorishchev

Chief Engineer

Tel.: (495) 686-34-94

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Alexey Bartsev

Head of Measuring Center


Tel.: (495) 682-60-42

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Elena Kruchkova

The head of the spectrophotometric laboratory

Tel.: (495) 788-32-96

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Roman Belyaev

Chief metrologies of Testing Centre

Tel.: (495) 682-17-01

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Dmitry Yushkov

Head of Scientific Secretary
Head of the Center of Innovative Lighting Technology


Tel.: (495) 686-67-11

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Prikupets Leonid

Head of laboratory


Tel.: (495) 682-54-76

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Pavel Fedorishchev

Head of Department

Tel.: (495) 682-49-05

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Julia Glorio

Manager of International and Public Relations Department

Тел. (495) 682-49-05

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Andrey Turkin

Scientific Consultant

Russian Lighting Research Institute named by S.I. Vavilov


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